Navigating the uncharted: my rare disease reality

This blog explores Leanne’s rare disease experience and highlights the importance of raising awareness and improving the experiences of 300 million people living with a rare disease worldwide.

Introducing our new series: The A–Z of Health Research Equity

Health research equity at COUCH Health is defined by our passion to push for health research that is designed and conducted with and for patients. That sounds great, but what does it mean in practice?
Dr Heidi Green will get into the details in our new series, The A–Z of Health Research Equity.

A–Z of Health Research Equity: A is for Accessibility 

To kick off the A-Z of Health Research Equity blog series, Dr Heidi Green starts with “A is for Accessibility”, unpacking the importance of making health research accessible and provides her top tips for improving the accessibility of your own research.

Ethics 101: The ethics of diversity in clinical trials 

Explore the ethical considerations in recruiting diverse participants for clinical trials, focusing on preventing exploitation, guaranteeing equitable benefits, and respecting cultural differences, while building trust through transparency and engagement.

A–Z of Health Research Equity: B is for Biology 

We’re back with the next instalment in our fortnightly A-Z of Health Research Equity Series- B for Biology. Read now to understand our approach to inclusive and equitable health research at COUCH Health.

Beyond the veil: Unravelling implicit bias and the Muslim experience 

Dive into the critical issue of implicit bias in healthcare, understanding its impact on the Muslim community within the wider narrative of under-served groups facing healthcare disparities. This blog uncovers the layers of mistrust and barriers to clinical trial participation, guiding toward more inclusive healthcare practices.

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